In no way is this post directed at any one individual or a group of them. This is simply to do my best to educate, not only the consumer but the
Saint Crispins Factory Visit
It's amazing how a brand can come onto the scene and explode within a matter of months, going from virtually being unknown (in the grand scheme of things) to
Closed Vs. Open Channel Sole Stitching
There are many different treatments that one can give to a shoe's sole, but what I want to focus on is the big obvious one, i.e. channel stitching. There are
A Trip To Ilcea Leather Tannery
For those that may not have realized I was recently in Milan for a trip to Lineapelle, one of world's biggest leather fairs, in the hopes to find some new
Things To Know About Shoes Part 4: Fit/Function vs Style
1. Most shoe styles (i.e. wholecut vs. full brogue vs. derby etc) will fit different, even if made on the same exact last. 2. The shoemaking process can
Managing Your Shoe Purchase Expectations
G&G, the perfect shoemaker. When buying these they should be flawless, but that is what you should get for +£700I recently had a nice cab ride here in
Shoes – Part 1: Construction
The world of shoes is a vast one. There are many different terms to describe not only the shoe’s style name, but also the manner in which it was made as well as
Polish Your Shoes Properly
Knowing how to polish your shoes properly is an important skill for anyone that cares for their shoes. Especially if they see them as an investment. Let me