Sometimes your suede shoes can get a bit rough looking, especially after one too many outings to the pub/restaurant/events etc. Without letting them get too far
How To Restore Your Creased Leather Shoes – Video Tutorial
A shoe is rarely beyond recovery unless you are the type to never use shoes trees, wears his shoes every day and doesn't think polish is necessary. But for
How Long Should My Shoes Last?
How long my shoes should last is like asking, 'how long is a piece of string?' There are all kinds of expectations when it comes to shoes. The more you spend,
A Trip To Ilcea Leather Tannery
For those that may not have realized I was recently in Milan for a trip to Lineapelle, one of world's biggest leather fairs, in the hopes to find some new
Polish Your Shoes Properly
Knowing how to polish your shoes properly is an important skill for anyone that cares for their shoes. Especially if they see them as an investment. Let me